Have you experienced a painful muscle spasm that almost left you crippled for days? If yes, then you are not alone. Fortunately, a pinched nerve chiropractor in Park Ridge can help provide you with long-term relief for one of the common underlying causes of muscle spasm—a pinched nerve.

We understand how these spasms can affect the quality of your life to an alarming degree. This blog aims to help you understand your condition better. Here, you will also know how a specific chiropractic technique can be the solution to your pain. So, stay with us until the end of the article.

What’s a Muscle Spasm?

In the simplest explanation, a muscle spasm is a pain you feel when your muscle or any muscle group in your body involuntarily contracts. This kind of muscle contraction may make you feel an unbearable level of pain. Muscle spasm can occur just within your muscle. However, they can also be strong enough that they may affect your bones. For instance, a muscle spasm in the back may hurt your spine.

Several factors can contribute to the development of a muscle spasm. They are the following:

  • Stress and fatigue
  • Caffeine
  • Dehydration
  • Pregnancy
  • Overexertion of a muscle
  • A pinched nerve

Most of the causes of muscle spasms we mention above are not really serious. You can prevent muscle spasms from happening again if you take the necessary actions to deal with those causes. However, a muscle spasm caused by a pinched nerve would require professional care to fix. In the next part of this blog, we will explain deeper what a pinched nerve is and how a pinched nerve chiropractor in Park Ridge can get to the root of it.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and pinched nerves, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

How a Pinched Nerve Causes Muscle Spasm 

A pinched nerve arises when surrounding bones, muscles, or tendons compress a nerve and cause too much pressure on it. This pressure can weaken the function of the nerve, causing one to feel a tingling sensation, pain, weakness, and numbness in some areas of the body. For example, a pinched nerve in the back can cause radiating pain to the legs and cause episodes of muscle spasms.

Home Remedies for Pinched Nerves and Muscle Spasms

There are specific home remedies that are recommended to relieve muscle spasms caused by a pinched nerve. Trying the following tips can ease the discomfort and pain that a muscle spasm brings:

Body Stretching

Stretching is not only an excellent exercise to keep your muscles strong, healthy, and flexible, but it can also help relieve muscle spasms. So, once you notice a slight muscle spasm creeping in anywhere in your body, try stretching. Here are the best stretches that can effectively deal with muscle spasms:

Stretching your neck muscles

The best stretching exercise for the neck is a shoulder roll. To start, gently roll your shoulders forward in a circular motion 10 times. Then, roll them again backward in the same motion 10 times.

Stretching your thigh muscles

Stretching the affected muscle in your thigh can ease the effect of the spasm. So, how should you do it? First, look for something you will hold on to for balance—a chair, for example. While standing, hold on to the chair and grab your foot and lift it back to the air. Then, stretch it lightly by pulling your heel toward your lower back. Hold your foot, leg, and thigh in this position for 10-15 seconds. Once the time is over, do the same stretch to the other side.

Stretching your back muscles

Stretching can also help in getting rid of a back spasm. One of the simplest stretches for a back spasm is a child’s pose. To perform this yoga pose, begin with kneeling on the floor with your knees apart. Then, gently stretch your body up and fold your back forward. Be sure to bring your chest to your thighs while extending your arms forward in front of your head.

Hydrating with water

Drinking water should always be a part of your routine. Having an adequate amount of water in your body can reduce muscle spasms and pinched nerve pain. You may not be aware of it, but dehydration can lead to body pains, particularly backache. When the discs in your back lose water, they may fail to hold the weight of your body completely. Therefore, dehydration can cause the discs to collapse. The discs can compress on the surrounding nerves when it happens, causing pinched nerves and muscle spasms. So, it is always better to make hydration a priority.

How Can Specific Chiropractic Care Help You?

If you want to completely get rid of a pinched nerve and its symptoms, you must try specific chiropractic care. Our pinched nerve chiropractor in Park Ridge offers this effective and natural solution to end your suffering. Your spine and nerves are closely linked to each other. That is why it is vital to maintain the health and alignment of your spine to aid problems related to pinched nerves—such as muscle spasm.

Specific chiropractic care can get to the bottom of your pinched nerve problem. Your spine can get misaligned due to several factors. From there, a series of issues may arise, including the pinching of nerves. A specific chiropractor will precisely detect the source of your problem and adjust the spine back to alignment. This can also help reduce the swelling of your nerves. From here, your body will naturally recover, and you will experience long-lasting relief.

Contact a Pinched Nerve Chiropractor in Park Ridge

If you are ready to take the path towards full recovery, now is the perfect time to do it. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Andrew O’Neill today. Get in touch with our friendly and fantastic team today by calling us at (201) 505-8984. We would be happy to walk with you on your journey towards your most desired relief.

To schedule a consultation with Optimal Health Family Chiropractic, call (201) 505-8984, or just click the button below.

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